We aim to start work as soon as an order is made so it is generally not possible to change or cancel your order. However, please feel free to contact us about your changes and if they don't conflict with parts of your order that have already been made then we will be happy to make the updates.
You may change your delivery address as long as your order has not yet been dispatched.
Once you have chosen a product or completed your design, select how many you would like and the click 'Add to Shopping Bag'.
You can see your shopping bag by clicking 'Shopping Bag' in the top right corner of the page, or by clicking 'Go to Shopping Bag' after adding an item. Once in the shopping bag click 'Edit item' to make changes to your design, 'Delete' to remove an item, or change the number in the quantity box and press 'Update' to change the quantity of an item.
No, unfortunately it is not possible to accept phone orders. If you are unable to use the site for any reason please contact us for alternative ordering methods.
When you're ready to buy the items in your shopping bag click 'Proceed to Checkout'. On the checkout page enter your delivery and billing information, and the email address where your confirmation email will be sent. Then, choose your payment method and enter the necessary information. Finally, review your details to make sure they are correct before clicking 'Confirm Order' or 'Pay Now' (depending on payment method).
Although we can't guarantee dates due to the unique nature of building custom colours, we always try our best to complete orders for when they are needed. To let us know simply contact us with your order number and the date the items are needed for and we will try our best!
We are happy to provide more information. Just contact our friendly team using the contact information here.